Hi everyone, today I am going to
talk about some changes that I have considered necessary that could be made in
the study program of Psychology. Respect to curriculum I think in the first
year or in the first semester we need less academic workload because is too
much class time and assistantship for people that need adapt of high school to
university. In this same line, sometimes I think is necessary more time of
career because when we take optative’s in the second semester the 3erd year, is
too much courses necessary for the major and the different areas that I feel we
lack the time to be able to take the ones we want to take. Also, maybe is necessary
the course of methodology of social research be taught in second semester of
the first year and not in the first because is a subject important for the
entire career and so many times we don’t take the importance it has.
In addition to this, The general
formation courses (CFG) and artistic and culturals need more vacancies because if
you don’t get them, you can fall behind.
About the faculty facilities I think
we need more space, because when we have lessons in the building of FACSO the
classroom is so small considered the quantity of people.
And finally, about “Use of technology”
and “Teaching methods” I don’t know at this time what changes could be made.
Nevertheless is a good career and we have many good professors and curriculum.
That is all for this blog, I hope
u have a great weekend and take care! 😊